Thanks Sophos, this was a lot of fun!
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JD Winters is Founder and Creative Director of JPro Studios. He is a theming artist who utilizes modern sculpting and fabrication techniques to create immersive environments and interactive exhibits, adding a sense of reality to any visual narrative. He consistently receives awards for design and audience appeal. His design projects leverage innovation, while his expertise in fabrication and materials keep his designs anchored in construction reality.
JPro designers, engineers and illustrators make realizing any concept a reality. Our fully capable design studio can produce concept art for your project, and we do it with engineering in mind. This is the best way to carry out an idea to reality. We think ahead of the curve and make sure we are designing something that can actually be built.
Theming is the art of creating immersive environments. Whether your project calls for an entire theme park to be designed and built, or a simple prop to stand in your trade show booth, we’ll be able to create something that will attract attention.
Often times a project calls for elements that don’t exist, or are cost prohibitive. Our artisans are material specialists. We can work within your budget to produce product that meets your needs.
Our most successful projects spawned from a client coming through our front door scratching their head. The most exciting problems for us to solve are often the most difficult. The finished product always blows the minds of our clients and their customers. Come to us with a problem, let us work with you to solve it. We’ll take it from concept, to design and engineering, and fabricate whatever we need to, for your project to be a perfect solution to your request.
Give us a chance to work with you. We are always glad to sit down for a brainstorm in our think tank. We are very friendly and love to talk about creative projects. Please let us have the opportunity to show you what we can do for yours.
At very least, come say hello and take a tour of our studio.
Skills // Browse our portfolio
Arizona Milk Producers Costumes
Ryno’s BBQ Menu Sign
Freshly Painted Horses
Giant Working Light Switch
Mall Train Engine
Rogers Retreat – Cabin Sign
Old Furnace
Hand Sculpted Roof
Display Backdrop
2011 Fiesta Bowl Parade Float
Old Powerplant Furnace Display
Ben Franklown Set
Pirate Sign
Old Furnace
Solar Man Light Parade Backdrop
Island Mask
Ben Franklown Set
Starwars Room
Cactus Moon Education Center – La Senita Elementary
Arizona’s 5 C’s Sign
Rogers Retreat Sign
Terracotta Soldier 3D Scan
Ft McDowell Yavapai Nation Seal
Cactus Moon Education Kiosks
Balloon Design
Internally Lit Sign
Santa Chair
Terracotta Soldier Enlargement
Ft McDowell Parade Float
Vintage Cartoon Car Costume
APS History Trailer – Modern Display
Sculpted Tree
APS History Trailer
Faux Wood Sign
Microscope Costume
Callahan Automotive Sign
Giant Bald Eagle
Eagle Head
Breast Cancer Awareness
2D logo conversion
5C’s Texture Display Sign
Bruce Haffner Chopper Guy Float
Big Guns
Giant Fire Extinguisher
APS History Trailer – Old Furnace Display
Ben Franklown Toon House
Custom Salsa Jar Costumes
Ft McDowell Parade Float 2010
iPhone Passive Amplifier
Giant CFL Light Bulb
Mall Train
Breast Cancer Awareness
5C’s Crates
Fire Alarm Puppet
Digital Display
Lightweight Wood Beam
Clay Scuplture Concept
2012 Fiesta Bowl Parade – Ft McDowell
Top Wrench Award (48″ Long)
APS History Trailer – Tour Video
Martial Arts Belt Display Rack
APS History Trailer
Hulk Body Paint
Giant working lightswitch
About this Blog // Check back often to see what we're up to. We'll be posting about progress on our projects, as well as "How To's" and updates about events.
Thanks Sophos, this was a lot of fun!
We are working with Sophos to create a throne for one lucky manager. They will be giving it away as a prize at an upcoming event. Here is a teaser video they have given us permission to post.
Its been a busy bunch of MONTHS. So I have been unable to blog as much as I would have liked. Having wrapped up our latest project which I’m quite fond of, I decided I had to post some pictures!
The ever popular (and rare) Dole Pineapple Whip, which is most commonly found at Disney parks and at the Dole Plantation in Hawaii, has come to Belmont Park. (more…)
This is going to be a lot of fun!
So a popular sign camp workshop that was recently held happened to have many of the industry’s greatest all in one spot. A common trait among the best is that they all have a touch of arrogance and a lot of wit.
Finished! Tiki Town at Belmont Park is now open! We have been very busy on this project and we pulled out all the stops to make some magic at this wonderful place.
Here is a video we put together showcasing some of our work. Such a fun project and worked with some of the best people.
Special thanks to Castle Golf, we look forward to working with you more in the future.
Here is a fun little project we did in the shop as a showroom prop. It was started many years ago and we decided to finish it up last week. (more…)
JPro Studios had the opportunity to help a family in need. And although it was a lot of work preparing things for the event, it was such a success thanks to hundreds, possibly even thousands of people’s generosity. JPro setup a photo booth for people to pose with and take pictures of our props. Knowing the event was fast approaching, we decided to make a stand for our Carl Fredrecksen mask. We modeled the body and cut the basic parts then handcarved the rest. This made short work of getting to a point where we could start gluing fabric directly to the foam. Here are some pictures of the process.
The time has finally arrived. After months of anticipation, our Makerbot Replicator 2X 3D Printer is on it’s way from New York to it’s new home at JPro Studios. 3D printing is a technology we have had our eye on for a while. Recent projects have encouraged us to look further into the technology and what I can do for our customers. There are many machines out there with various degrees of resolution, and ability. The Replicator 2X suited our needs best, but there was a waiting list until it released finally this week. We’ve received confirmation that it is en route and should be here by the end of next week. (more…)
We had some creative fun to start our day this morning. This video explains it all:
A local restaurant that is opening soon approached us about producing a bronze pig – or rather a foam bronze pig. We gladly took the opportunity to do what we do best.
In the old days, it took a chisel, hammer and some tough hands to create a sign in stone. Nowadays, we use Vectric Aspire and a couple of mouse clicks. Our robotic friend (The Shopbot CNC machine) takes care of the rest. …Well…technically, it’s not “stone” – but it looks like it is!
This is the second float we’ve built for Grand Canyon University. They are always a pleasure to work with. For this year’s design, they wanted to showcase their basketball team. The idea was to build a scale model of their basketball court with “Thunder”, their Antelope mascott, slam dunking a basketball.
We are back in action. That was as crazy of a parade season as we usually have! So much to do in so little time. As mentioned in the previous post, my clients asked me to keep things confidential during the build. So I did as they wished. Now that the parade is over, and the floats have been revealed, I am able to post the documentation I kept along the way. I will be posting the process we used over several blog posts, as it was very involved and would make for one long winded post.
We haven’t forgotten to update our blog. It’s on the top of my mind every day. Unfortunately, we are in our busiest time of year, and work gets in the way of some of these processes. Expect the next few weeks to be just as dry, with little or no fun projects being posted. Its not because there isn’t anything to share, I promise you that! With Fiesta Bowl Parade float construction in full swing, we are busily working on Ft McDowell Yavapai Nation’s float, as well as Grand Canyon University. These are going to be two amazing floats this year! I’ve taken many photos of the process, and there is so much to share…However, our clients have asked us to keep it under wraps until after the parade. They want the unveiling to be a surprise. I don’t blame them. These are really coming along nicely, and should be really beautiful displays when complete.
With these projects consuming our time for the next 4 weeks, there will be little room for other projects that could fill this space. So expect very few updates for a bit. But January… Well, we’ll have a lot to share then. Stay Tuned!
Our family loves Halloween. We usually go over the top in many ways. Halloween really has 2 different themes. There is the fun traditional theme with pumpkins and fun witches, etc. Then there is the gory bloody Halloween.
This year for halloween all to many of my friends and family were getting excited about costumes. I offered to have some of them come down to the studio after hours and work on personal costume projects. A good time was had by all. Over the course of a few weeks (2 nights a week) we put together some pretty creative projects. Many still aren’t done. Including my personal project, “Carl”.
Sometimes we approach a project with high expectations. We see the challenge and love it. Then, we don’t quite know what we got ourselves into. In this case, the client needed a Compact Florescent Light bulb (CFL) enlarged for a trade show exhibit. Simple enough. Except, what should have been a texbook enlargement got very, very trick at scale. (more…)
Arizona’s best commodities happen to all start with the letter C. In a project that we’ll touch more on later, for Arizona Public Service (APS), we made a section of the display dedicated to the 5 C’s. This particular display is located inside a HUGE trailer that gets pulled to different locations to teach about Arizona’s past, especially, energy in Arizona’s past.
Its been done before by others. But we love the look and needed it in our space. A little rust never hurt anyone right? This is an ongoing project for our own offices. The conference room needs to be a creative space, that ideas can flow. Our 4×8 whiteboard never seems big enough when the ideas start rolling in, we love a big white board.
This was a fun project we made as a rental prop for a parade event. Later, it was gifted to one of Santa’s Helpers (my Dad.) He volunteers as the big man every year. This made his ‘costume’ complete.